Hook Norton Brewery
Freehaus was commissioned by Hook Norton Brewery to deliver a series of sensitive interventions that improve visitor experience, safeguard brewing traditions and create a local visitor destination.
The Hook Norton Brewery is a historic site of local importance, having been used as a premises for commercial brewing since the 1850s. The four buildings which form the main components of the brewery site are Grade II listed and the statutory listing includes specific descriptions of these buildings as the Brewhouse (including the prominent gravitational tower brewery), Stable block, Office block and Malthouse.
On this journey Freehaus has created a 10-year development masterplan for the site to improve visitor accessibility and opportunities for local suppliers. The plan initially targets infrastructure improvements, overheads reduction and service rationalisation. Allowing Hook Norton Brewery to build greater capacity for increased visitor numbers and a wider visitor offer.
Phase 01 is now complete, focused on site wide energy reduction and the third energy evolution on site. Originally driven by steam, then oil, the brewing process is now electric. A significant proportion of which is now supported by Solar Power. Lay-in panels to the stables, grain store and office buildings now deliver 15% energy reduction and cost year-on-year.
Phase 02, which is now under construction, delivers greater car parking, EV charging, visitor access and rationalises site traffic which must safely accommodate both visitor and commercial operations simultaneously.
Phase 03 introduces a Grain Store Bakery experience, offering field-to-fork produce from local suppliers that rely on the brewing process. This vision, which was granted planning and listed building consent in 2022, will see livestock returned to the Brewery’s paddocks, fed on the Brewery’s flavoursome byproduct and sold on site. The Grain Store will also house cinema and conference functions, small retail outlets and a tank bar serving local ales.
Phase 04 is still in development, looks to improve wedding facilities within the Malthouse. The introduction of a glazed timber infill offers the opportunity for a winter garden and robust wet weather plans. Further preliminary studies have been conducted to rationalise the shop, museum and on-site accommodation.
Tags: Commercial, Heritage
Early Masterplan Ideas
1 Photovoltaic installation 2 Office relocation 3 Steep infill roof 4 Malthouse refresh 5 The Grain Store 6 Updates to shop and museum 7 Improvements to external concessions 8 Improvements to the Visitors’ Brewery Experience 9 Improvemest to roadway
10 Glamping
Material palette for the café and bakery.