Rokesly Junior School
As part of the RIBA Architecture Ambassadors programme we developed a series of workshops with Rokesly Junior School drawing on the school’s existing interest in community and cultural outreach.
The workshops revolved around modes of transport in the city and how infrastructure impacts communities and the way cities are shaped. The aim was for the students to think about alternative methods of transport and ultimately to imagine London devoid of cars: how would that affect the way we live and the way our streets work? What would we do with the extra space?
In an initial workshop, the students discussed the layout of various cities in relation to the historical evolution of transport. Through the use of collage, the students re-envisaged their own streets and neighbourhoods devoid of cars.
The second workshop saw their concepts come to life. Throughout the day, the ninety strong cohort built their imagined streetscape from cardboard at a scale of 1:5.
The students worked as a team, negotiating and delegating tasks between them, understanding that through collaboration one can achieve greater results. Ultimately, we wanted the workshops to enthuse the students about the positive impact of good design, not only on the way we live but also on the way we interact with one another and the world around us.
Tags: Community
“Thank you for a quite extraordinary workshop. It really was brilliant. Your ambition for the project was second to none and it really paid off.”
Fiona MacDonald, Learning Manager, RIBA
Streetscapes of the future.
Et voilà!